Can PSE 12 import iPhone photos by date range?

the short question: can pse 12 (or later) configured photos since last upload imported photo downloader when iphone (6 in case) plugged win 10-running pc?


the problem: have 1000 images in camera roll. when plug phone pc, elements organizer photo downloader opens, connects device , imports thumbnail of every picture on phone. however, in organizer, except last photos i've taken. can 30 or many more. @ point checked import. seem have 2 choices if want import recent: import or, uncheck , manually check 30 or 50 newest. that's indeed , it's real pain.


it seem straightforward program have marker of last import , provide choice download photos since last time. or have parameter enter date start of import. have missed that? or there work-around speed import process?

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