Web Background


have web page uses code create background image, code below:


<body style="background-image:url(images/pattern.png),url(images/dogbirthdaycake.jpg);style='ov erflow-x: auto;'">


this overlays 'patten.png' repeating many time on top of dogbirthdaycake.jpg


this doesn't work across various browsers need create main image overlay pattern there , not rely on code.

can suggest how can in photoshop?


the pattern here (this small image used in repeated manner):



the background image here:



the output can seen on main page (use ie if possible)




it produces 'hashed' effect, need produce single jpg pattern repeated on top. i'm sure there easy way of doing , not copy-paste many times !








pattern.png linky no worky.    (cute beagle cake jpeg works fine.)


hmm...so want overlay pattern onto background , use resulting image? sounds job pattern repeat , blending modes.

More discussions in Photoshop



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