Photoshop elements 14 won't launch Mac

operating system: mac os x

version:                10.6.8

program:               adobe photoshop elements 14


part 1:

i've purchased , installed adobe photoshop elements 14, when click on icon, doesn't launch.


part 2:

clicking on ape 14 icon finder opens subfolder 4 icons, entitled: deploy, install, packages, payloads

clicking on of these 4 icons doesn't launch ape 14. each lead more subfolders.


part 3:

clicking on adobe 'photoshop elements 14 mac' finder opens subfolder icon entitled, 'adobe photoshop elements mac.dmg'

clicking on .dmg file opens new window 5 icons: 4 'getting started' icons each of different language, , fifth ape 14 icon brings me started in part 2 above.


part 4:

i have purchased legitimate copy of ape 14 , have necessary coded information. have created profile


part 5:

what doing wrong?

More discussions in Photoshop Elements



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