Adobe CC applications take ages to launch (and sometimes don't)

hi, have paid yearly subscription adobe cc (3 accounts) , have used them - ps / ai / idd / pr - , have noticed several problems in applications vs previous versions :


1 - time launch application way longer our previous versions, indesign > 40 60 seconds. more.

2 - once application photoshop launched (window opened), first action select tool / or open file launches rolling wheel - making wait more. selecting element gives troubles (rolling wheel, selecting element? seriously?)

3 - sometimes, moving element in illustrator freeze entire application, opening document in indesign too, , way reboot force - quit.

4 - elements lock in illustrator, without reason. have relaunch app unlock document.


please note have 3 different computers, quite decent / recent apple products > imacs, macbook pros configurations , troubles in thoses 3 machines.

could please tell do avoid troubleshootings, or release bug fixes asap? can't afford pay x3 license 200$/month softwares not answer our needs , commands.


thank you!


this open forum "some" adobe staff participation feature requests or bug reports


second, if have upgraded mac 10.11 there known problems, , not adobe

see reply #5 in several mac 10.11 el capitan links

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