Reviews on this leaflet design pleae

can please offer critical reviews on leaftlet design please.



the best advice can give go pro design tools site, , download free e-books.  can't give direct link because have register , follow links, make absolutely sure one.  took me more years care remember when training paste-up (there no such thing as  personal computer then).  date solid gold advice design , layout.

free 202-page ebook! download “adobe cc & cs6 design basics” | prodesigntools

if want honest feedback on graphic, it's busy.  don't know ghamela is, , nor google translate.  sizes above word not telling me because don't know word is, , size font heavy.  there's clash bharvi logo goes straight unbreakable.  try giving breathing space, or separate 2 items.   that's 2 cents worth, remember it's opinion.  other people else.

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