Change Adobe Content Server's port

for historical reasons run acs on port 8080. original reasons no longer in place i'd move standard port 80 have client network blocks 8080. of course leave original port available if that's needed assigned licences


i've set tomcat respond both 8080 , 80 , can see console using both ports.

i tried remove ":8080" urls in admin-conf.txt, fulfillment-conf.txt , packaging-conf.txt , restarted whole virtual machine, downloaded .acsm still contained (no matter whether downloaded or , neither new .acsm nor old functional .acsm worked.


i've lookedinto adept database , place found src column of resourceitem table. can change url there, drop :8080 , download still works, need .acsm use standard port.


what did forget?


thanks lot, jenda

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