Using variables with FormCalc


hello community members,


i’m having issue using variables in calculation.  i have form seventeen sections.  each sections has various number of rows.  each row has 6 radial buttons increase in value 0-5.  every section has field calculates average section.  then there totalaverage field calculates average seventeen sections compute final score. 


the requester stated want form able exclude sections employee hasn’t been trained on in order section not count against employee’s overall score. want variable keep track of how many sections excluded calculation can divide variable correct calculation.


i know how create global variable.  do need variable each section or need 1 can use in calculation.  i’m novice i’m asking how set formcalc.  thank in advance help.



here total average calculation


((form1.#subform[0].communicationsection.aas1 +  form1.#subform[0].attendancesection.aas2 + form1.#subform[6].leadershipsection.aas3 + form1.#subform[6].teamworksection.aas4 + form1.#subform[6].projectmanagementsection.aas5 +


form1.#subform[6].processmanagementsystemssection.aas6 + form1.#subform[11].productivitysection.aas7 + form1.#subform[11].materialinspectionssection.aas8 + form1.#subform[11].bottlinglinecheckssection.aas9 +


form1.#subform[15].finishedproductauditssection.aas10 + form1.#subform[15].materialsnncprocesssection.aas11 + form1.#subform[15].blendapprovalprocesssection.aas12 + form1.#subform[15].researchdevelopmentsection.aas13 +


form1.#subform[15].materialtestingsection.aas14 + form1.#subform[21].corksensorysection.aas15 + form1.#subform[21].labequipmentsection.aas16 + form1.#subform[21].shoporderpacketexportsection.aas17)/ 17)


here calculation section


((row7 + row8 + row9)/3)


here screen shot of how sections , total points/average field.




More discussions in LiveCycle Designer



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