Best Option to Transcode from MOV to MXF-Op1a

currently have workflow need transcode mov's down size.


need trans-code full episodes of show down xdcam editors can  take video , export "mxf- op1a video codec "xdcamhd 50 ntsc (422)"  best option not see loss of quality or conversions cause interlace lines?


i thinking of going "xdcamhd 50 ntsc 720p (422)" because exported out 2 identical clips, 1 in xdcam 50 ntsc (422), , other  in xdcamhd 50 ntsc 720p (422) , 1 "720p" came out higher size, however; i've been told the 1 without "720p" 1080.  appreciated.


thank you

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