help with usort cmparison

hi everyone!

it's getting cold here & can't seem wrap frozen brain cells around problem. 

below code parse youtube feed works fine.

i need sort entries $pubdate , can't make work.



//empty variable end

$html = ' ';

//url of playlist feed

$feed  = "";

//load feed xml

$xml = simplexml_load_file($feed);

//display 6 entries

for($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {

   //node namespace variables

   $published = $xml->entry[$i]->published;

   //optional, shorten date

   $shortdate = date("m/d/y", strtotime($published));

   $title = $xml->entry[$i]->title;

   $id = $xml->entry[$i]->id;

   //strip unwanted characters id

   $id = str_replace ("yt:video:", "", $id);

   $author = $xml->entry[$i]->author->name;

   $uri = $xml->entry[$i]->author->uri;

   //put node variables html tags & embedded youtube player.

   $html .= "<div class='col-sm-6 col-md-4'>

<h4><a href='$uri'>$title</a></h4>

<iframe src='$id' allowfullscreen>


<small>published: $shortdate   by: $author</small>



//output html code

echo $html;



parsed feed results:


any & suggestions appreciated.


nancy o.

not quite sure you're trying do. xml feed has videos in descending date order. want them in ascending order? if so, use splheap class this:


 <?php $feed = simplexml_load_file(''); class sortvideos extends splheap {     protected function compare($val1, $val2)     {         $val1 = (string) $val1->published;         $val2 = (string) $val2->published;         if ($val1 == $val2) {             return 0;         } elseif ($val1 > $val2) {             return -1;         } else {             return 1;         }     } } $videos = new sortvideos(); foreach ($feed->entry $video) {   $videos->insert($video); } foreach ($videos $video) {   echo $video->published . '<br>'; } 


inside second foreach loop, can access each entry element $video.

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