Is there a way for my custom calculation script output to include dot points or numbering?

i have below script developed:



var contact = this.getfield("contact").valueasstring; 

var area = this.getfield("area").valueasstring; 

var form = this.getfield("form").valueasstring;

var type = this.getfield("type").valueasstring;


if (contact=="yes" && area=="yes" && form=="yes" && type=="form 25") event.value = "1. click here find request form 2. complete form , take nearest supervising centre confirmation 3. report notation immediate supervisor/manager , on system 4. contact on xxx if unsure"; 


// etc. 


but able have output displayed neatly numbering each statement.



1.  if ppc contaminated, follow process bagging , tagging

2.  discuss circumstances surrounding potential exposure immediated manager/supervisor

3.  if determination still unable made, contact district officer guidance

4. click here more information how blood , bodily fluid diseases transmitted


can provide advice on how can achieve this?


thanks in advance

include \r within string each carriage return want.

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