What's the best way to review large (25MB to 35MB) PDF files with team members in three locations?

has had experience using shared pdf across multiple locations? i'll explain...


i'm creative director of company has 3 locations. i've decided best way our proofing team (of members spread out in 3 locations) make comments on proofs use shared pdfs , store them on server @ our main location. unfortunately pdfs catalogs range 200 pages 380 pages, files rather large (25 - 35mb @ low resolution). far, approach has worked, slow people @ 2 satellite locations because shared pdf has connect our server on internet can connect data file , of them have 6,000 comments. wondering if store shared pdf , data file on dropbox sync dropbox each proofer. or, instead of dropbox, use document cloud? when create shared pdf it's allowing me select "internal server" (or that) creation location shared data folder.


has had experience , how did solve problem?


thanks in advance.



i have had similar requirement, although smaller files. ended doing storing files in dropbox , have each person comment individually, export comments data file. import each person's comment data file master pdf. in case, person needed see comments; other reviewers didn't need see 1 another's comments.


i ended not using shared reviews couple of reasons:

  1. my clients , not share server (i on mac , shared reviews on internal servers must on pcs)
  2. we found after comments became quite numerous, maybe on 150 or so, oftentimes, acrobat crash, , lose work since last save. happened both here on mac, on client's pcs. (that crashing issue several years ago, , decided move non-shared-review workflow. adobe may have fixed problem; don't know.)

because of reasons, ended using dropbox , data comment files. if choose approach, need manually import data file pdf on dropbox. fdf files static, , need manually exported , imported. but keep in mind if multiple reviewers share same folder , working on pdf @ same time, may run "conflicted copy" dropbox file issues.

but on note, tried document cloud , think solution work. let's upload pdf document cloud, , send reviewers link. download pdf , begins proofing process. when done, export comments data file , import them master pdf. when save pdf, 1 stored on document cloud updated new comments. if reviewers need able see 1 another's comments, can redownload pdf document cloud. way, there won't issues people saving on each other's work, , 1 person (you) have access master pdf file.

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