"Date Last Edited" Automatically Updated on Save?

please let me know if possible automatically have "date last saved" updated on of web pages, , if so, steps going.

sure, it's not built dw though.


here's javascript trick. copy part new .js file , call "date.js"...


months = ['january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december'];

var d = new date();

var weekday = new array(7);

weekday[0] = "sunday";

weekday[1] = "monday";

weekday[2] = "tuesday";

weekday[3] = "wednesday";

weekday[4] = "thursday";

weekday[5] = "friday";

weekday[6] = "saturday";


var d = new date();



var thedate = new date(document.lastmodified);

thedate.settime((thedate.gettime()+(60*60)) )

with (thedate) {

document.write("<i>last updated "+weekday[getday()]+' '+months[getmonth()]+' '+getdate()+', '+d.getfullyear()+' @ '+gethours()+':'+getminutes()+" dst</i>")



here's base html page attaches date.js file. place bold part wherever want date show in page , make sure "path-to" part actual path .js file...


<!doctype html>

<html lang="en-us">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>add date last modified of document</title>




<script src="path-to/date.js" script type="text/javascript"></script>



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