customisation wizard - invalid installer package

i been having big problems using customization wizard on os x. been successful using acrobat dc try use reader dc “invalid installer package” whatever installer pkg choose. have gotten distribution version, permission you, adobe, distribute, acrordrdc_1500920069_mui. version doesent either. there no custwiz.log created even. have verified installers functionality manual installs. when using customization wiz, have done on clean os, clean vm. tried fresh version of wizard itself. besides version mention above have tried offline installer, universal english os x 10.10. please advice , or point me valid installer.



unlike windows version of adobe customization wizard dc, mac version of adobe customization wizard dc not consume acrobat reader dc packages customizing.  still possible add these customizations via creating plist files.

More discussions in Enterprise Deployment (Acrobat and Reader)



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