Dreamweaver CS4 - How to display a website directory/folder as an webpage

dreamweaver cs4 - how "display website directory/folder webpage"?

you need server side script that. following complete example using php. copy new dw document , view.


 <!doctype html> <html>  <head>     <meta charset="utf-8">     <title>directory contents</title>     <style>         * {             padding: 0;             margin: 0;         }                  body {             color: #333;             font: 14px sans-serif;             padding: 50px;             background: #eee;         }                  h1 {             text-align: center;             padding: 20px 0 12px 0;             margin: 0;         }                  h2 {             font-size: 16px;             text-align: center;             padding: 0 0 12px 0;         }                  #container {             box-shadow: 0 5px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);             position: relative;             background: white;         }                  table {             background-color: #f3f3f3;             border-collapse: collapse;             width: 100%;             margin: 15px 0;         }                  th {             background-color: #fe4902;             color: #fff;             cursor: pointer;             padding: 5px 10px;         }                  th small {             font-size: 9px;         }                  td,         th {             text-align: left;         }                  {             text-decoration: none;         }                  td {             color: #663300;             display: block;             padding: 5px 10px;         }                  th {             padding-left: 0         }                  td:first-of-type {             background: url(./.images/file.png) no-repeat 10px 50%;             padding-left: 35px;         }                  th:first-of-type {             padding-left: 35px;         }                  td:not(:first-of-type) {             background-image: none !important;         }                  tr:nth-of-type(odd) {             background-color: #e6e6e6;         }                  tr:hover td {             background-color: #cacaca;         }                  tr:hover td {             color: #000;         }         /* icons file types (icons famfamfam) */         /* images */                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".jpg"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".png"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".gif"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".svg"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".jpeg"] {             background-image: url(./.images/image.png);         }         /* zips */                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".zip"] {             background-image: url(./.images/zip.png);         }         /* css */                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".css"] {             background-image: url(./.images/css.png);         }         /* docs */                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".doc"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".docx"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".ppt"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".pptx"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".pps"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".ppsx"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".xls"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".xlsx"] {             background-image: url(./.images/office.png)         }         /* videos */                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".avi"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".wmv"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".mp4"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".mov"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".m4a"] {             background-image: url(./.images/video.png);         }         /* audio */                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".mp3"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".ogg"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".aac"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".wma"] {             background-image: url(./.images/audio.png);         }         /* web pages */                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".html"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".htm"],         table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".xml"] {             background-image: url(./.images/xml.png);         }                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".php"] {             background-image: url(./.images/php.png);         }                  table tr td:first-of-type a[href$=".js"] {             background-image: url(./.images/script.png);         }         /* directories */                  table tr.dir td:first-of-type {             background-image: url(./.images/folder.png);         }      </style> </head>  <body>      <div id="container">          <h1>directory contents</h1>          <table class="sortable">             <thead>                 <tr>                     <th>filename</th>                     <th>type</th>                     <th>size <small>(bytes)</small></th>                     <th>date modified</th>                 </tr>             </thead>             <tbody>                 <?php         // opens directory         $mydirectory=opendir(".");                  // gets each entry         while($entryname=readdir($mydirectory)) {           $dirarray[]=$entryname;         }                  // finds extensions of files         function findexts ($filename) {           $filename=strtolower($filename);           $exts = explode("[/\\.]", $filename);           $n=count($exts)-1;           $exts=$exts[$n];           return $exts;         }                  // closes directory         closedir($mydirectory);                  // counts elements in array         $indexcount=count($dirarray);                  // sorts files         sort($dirarray);                  // loops through array of files         for($index=0; $index < $indexcount; $index++) {                    // allows ./?hidden show hidden files           if($_server['query_string']=="hidden")           {$hide="";           $ahref="./";           $atext="hide";}           else           {$hide=".";           $ahref="./?hidden";           $atext="show";}           if(substr("$dirarray[$index]", 0, 1) != $hide) {                      // gets file names           $name=$dirarray[$index];           $namehref=$dirarray[$index];                      // gets extensions            $extn=findexts($dirarray[$index]);                       // gets file size            $size=number_format(filesize($dirarray[$index]));                      // gets date modified data           $modtime=date("m j y g:i a", filemtime($dirarray[$index]));           $timekey=date("ymdhis", filemtime($dirarray[$index]));                      // prettifies file types, add more suit needs.           switch ($extn){             case "png": $extn="png image"; break;             case "jpg": $extn="jpeg image"; break;             case "svg": $extn="svg image"; break;             case "gif": $extn="gif image"; break;             case "ico": $extn="windows icon"; break;                          case "txt": $extn="text file"; break;             case "log": $extn="log file"; break;             case "htm": $extn="html file"; break;             case "php": $extn="php script"; break;             case "js": $extn="javascript"; break;             case "css": $extn="stylesheet"; break;             case "pdf": $extn="pdf document"; break;                          case "zip": $extn="zip archive"; break;             case "bak": $extn="backup file"; break;                          default: $extn=strtoupper($extn)." file"; break;           }                      // separates directories           if(is_dir($dirarray[$index])) {             $extn="&lt;directory&gt;";              $size="&lt;directory&gt;";              $class="dir";           } else {             $class="file";           }                      // cleans . , .. directories            if($name=="."){$name=". (current directory)"; $extn="&lt;system dir&gt;";}           if($name==".."){$name=".. (parent directory)"; $extn="&lt;system dir&gt;";}                      // print 'em           print("           <tr class='$class'>             <td><a href='./$namehref'>$name</a></td>             <td><a href='./$namehref'>$extn</a></td>             <td><a href='./$namehref'>$size</a></td>             <td sorttable_customkey='$timekey'><a href='./$namehref'>$modtime</a></td>           </tr>");           }         }       ?>             </tbody>         </table>          <h2><?php print("<a href='$ahref'>$atext hidden files</a>"); ?></h2>      </div>  </body>  </html>  

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